
  1. 石山一舟,我妻則明:2004, アクティブカウンセリング入門 森田療法を取り入れた新しい面接技法, 誠信書房.
  2. Kenji Kitanishi, Noriaki Azuma: 2006, Morita Therapy in Modern Times: Review from 1995 to 2004 "jointly worked", International Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy, p.67-85.
  3. 我妻則明:2006, 森田療法の起源とモンテッソーリ教育法との関連についての研究, 日本森田療法学会雑誌, 17(2), p.89-95.
  4. Noriaki AZUMA: 2007, A Report of Effects of Workshops for the Self-help Group Association "Seikatu-no-hakkennkai" for Overcoming Neurosis: An Example of Application of Morita Therapeutic Counselling, The 6th International Congress of Morita Therapy Congress Program and Abstracts, p.27-28.
  5. 近藤卓、我妻則明他15名:2012, PTG心的外傷後成長, 金子書房.
  6. Noriaki AZUMA: 2013, The echo of Fukushima: The After-Effects of Traumatic Events and Shock Experience, The 8th International Congress of Morita Therapy Congress Program and Abstracts, p.11.
  7. Noriaki AZUMA: 2013, A Study of Education of Morita Therapy at Japanese Universities-Comparison between the Training at Washburn University(USA) and Iwate University(Japan) , The 8th International Congress of Morita Therapy Congress Program and Abstracts, p.27-29.
  8. Noriaki Azuma: 2014, Recovery and Growth by Morita Therapy after the Great East Japan Earthquakes, Information Package, International Scientific & Practice Conference in Moscow, p.7-10.
  9. 我妻則明:2014, 日本の大学での森田療法の教育についての一考察-ウォッシュバーン大学と岩手大学での教育を比較してー, 日本森田療法学会雑誌, 25(2), p.123-132.
  10. 我妻則明,黒木俊秀,中村敬,三ケ田智弘,寺島正明,佐々木信子,森美保子:2014, 日本森田療法学会災害対策委員会報告, 日本森田療法学会雑誌, 25(2), p.199-206.
  11. Noriaki AZUMA: 2016, Similarities between the Theories of Morita Therapy and the Relational Frame Theory (RFT) of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, The 9th International Congress of Morita Therapy Congress Program and Abstracts, p.22
  12. 我妻則明:2018,本学会災害対策委員会の活動と森田療法による被災者支援の可能性, 日本森田療法学会雑誌, 29(1), p.43-46