Kenji Kitanishi, Noriaki Azuma: 2006, Morita Therapy in Modern Times: Review from 1995 to 2004 "jointly worked", International Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy, p.67-85.
Noriaki AZUMA: 2007, A Report of Effects of Workshops for the Self-help Group Association "Seikatu-no-hakkennkai" for Overcoming Neurosis: An Example of Application of Morita Therapeutic
Counselling, The 6th International Congress of Morita Therapy Congress Program and Abstracts, p.27-28.
近藤卓、我妻則明他15名:2012, PTG心的外傷後成長, 金子書房.
Noriaki AZUMA: 2013, The echo of Fukushima: The After-Effects of Traumatic Events and Shock Experience, The 8th International Congress of Morita Therapy Congress Program and Abstracts, p.11.
Noriaki AZUMA: 2013, A Study of Education of Morita Therapy at Japanese Universities-Comparison between the Training at Washburn University(USA) and Iwate University(Japan) , The 8th
International Congress of Morita Therapy Congress Program and Abstracts, p.27-29.
Noriaki Azuma: 2014, Recovery and Growth by Morita Therapy after the Great East Japan Earthquakes, Information Package, International Scientific & Practice Conference in Moscow, p.7-10.
Noriaki AZUMA: 2016, Similarities between the Theories of Morita Therapy and the Relational Frame Theory (RFT) of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, The 9th International Congress of Morita
Therapy Congress Program and Abstracts, p.22